Wednesday 28 April 2010

British Wildlife Photography Awards (BWPA)

The cut-off date for entries into the British Wildlife Photography Awards (BWPA) is 4 June and so this is a brief plea to remind everyone who might be interested in entering.
Entrants can submit entries on-line or via post. Chances to win a prestigious award, up to £20,000 worth of prizes and exposure in a nationwide touring exhibition and accompanying book. For more detailed information about the competition, including how to enter, a full description of categories, shooting tips, and terms & conditions, please visit the competition website:

Friday 9 April 2010

Spring has sprung

What a glorious spring like day. During a walk at Margrove Ponds Nature Reserve at lunchtime I was serenaded by a chorus of frogs accompanied by Chiffchaffs singing away their instantly recognisable song. The swan was sat on its nest and the rest of the ducks engaged in courtship. I also heard my first Willow Warbler of year and saw Tortoiseshell and Peacock butterflies as well.